Without naming names, let's just say a certain huge organization that regularly updates the media on certain very important issues had a big problem with their latest media update. Rather than the usual way we all get this (BCC, I guess), it was sent from their listserv address. The result was that everybody who received the original email (and there were probably thousands of us) also received every "out of office reply" that came back. It has been interesting to see the reactions. I have enjoyed my own little anthropological study here, anonymously, as the angry emails IN ALL CAPS were shot out, unknowingly sent to those same thousands of people with the flooded inboxes.
Some people were mean and it made me wonder if they talk to people that way on a daily basis. Or is it easier when you can type it, click send and you get the instant gratification of blowing off steam, even at the expense of another's feelings?
Soon, the funny emails started filtering through. The folks who don't sweat the small stuff tried to get the meanies to lighten up. Very funny -- good on you, people. You make the world a better place.
Serendipitously, old friends seem to have found each other and some people just took joy where they found it. "Hey G, how are you?" "I grew up in your town in the 60s!" "Hi Barbara, good to see your name here." "Hi everyone, here's the problem with the email list..."
Carry on, good souls. Don't let the meanies get you down.