My hands are getting better now – after a trip to the allergist and lots of medicine that I hate putting on or in my body. I have battled my worst eczema outbreak in decades and I can’t pinpoint a specific reason why. I think it was the perfect storm of physical and environmental factors, but in any event, my hands are on the mend. White cotton gloves are awesome, by the way. (I look like a deranged mime, or Michael Jackson circa 1985.)
- Method hand soap is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It is the only fragranced product I can use with eczema impunity. I heart you, Method.
- Seventh Generation Free and Clear dish soap is equally wonderful. (Sadly, I can’t say the same for their dishwasher detergent. I want to love it, really I do, yet I can’t abide dirty dishes. If I have to run the dishwasher twice, it ceases to be environmentally friendly.)
- In my ongoing quest for natural, homemade floor cleaner, I think we have a winner: water, white vinegar and washing soda. I want to give it one more test run before conferring the championship title upon this latest concoction.
Want some free stuff? Tell me the best thing about back-to-school -- homeschool or otherwise. The folks at MyBlogSpark will send one of my readers a super cool gift box with a reusable lunch bag, a ruler, a pencil sharpener, a pencil case and a coupon for a free package of Pillsbury Shape cookies. (They sent us a package as well. My son loves the school supplies and I love reusable stuff! My local grocery stores aren’t carrying Shape cookies yet, but soon…) Please comment by noon eastern, Sept. 2.