Tuesday, January 19, 2010

math tutor dvd/numbers and counting & basic math word problems

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Barney the Dinosaur was the big draw for toddlers when my children were little. (Pardon me while I shudder for a moment.) Now, the toddlers at church seem mesmerized by Christian Baby Einstein-like videos – it’s amazing how captivated they are. Young Minds: Numbers and Counting from Math Tutor DVD blows that concept out of the water with classical music (!), delightful images and a really sweet way to teach numbers and one-to-one correspondence. Though I have no littles here to enjoy it, I actually liked the video myself and I think parents of wee ones who need a minute to regroup, make dinner or take a shower will find that this is a momentary respite for them and a learning opportunity for their toddlers. The video is a delight. Numbers and Counting sells for $19.99 and has already won a slew of awards.

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As part of the TOS Crew we were asked to review the Numbers video as well as the Basic Math Word Problems Tutor. Word problems – pardon me while I shudder again. While the subject matter here may strike fear in the hearts of parents (homeschooling or not) and their kids, this is a big help. With really in-depth teaching and clear explanations, we are already finding this useful. Sometimes I just need someone else to explain it in a different way, you know? If you homeschool, you understand. This is a wonderful supplement to a comprehensive math curriculum and I definitely recommend it for anyone wary of word problems. (That’s everyone, right?)

Don’t take my word for it – view samples online: Word Problems and Numbers and Counting.

This two-DVD set is $26.99 and it includes eight hours of instruction.

We received free DVDs for review. I was not compensated. My opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Tonia said...

LOL! I love your review! I did some shuddering myself when I found out I'd have to review a MATH dvd. Great review!