Monday, January 5, 2009

monday, monday


It's alive. I love science in the kitchen. Here, yeast fills a balloon with carbon dioxide.


Unfortunately, this is not the sunrise as seen from my front yard. This a photo of Sunrise Earth, a TV show. Sad, isn't it? A photo of a TV show? Our cable provider added a bunch of HD channels to our regular service as of January 1. My favorite? Discovery HD Theater.

Just look at that. Sunrise over the coast of Maine.

That's reality TV at its best.


Leslie said...

Science in the kitchen - when my son was growing up, he always helped me try out science stuff I was planning for my science classes. Many a night we would spend in the kitchen doing that kind of stuff. We loved it. Great time together.

Very Mary said...

For a brief second, I thought that was a bottle of breast milk. he he