Wednesday, January 21, 2009

what makes me happy


Above: Focaccia rising

Below: "Artisan Bread in 5" dough and a batch of cinnamon rolls rising

Photos are from the weekend's "oh my word, it's freezing cold" bake-a-thon...


Good bread, cinnamon rolls and ALMOST getting the Piano Puzzler this morning.

I get precious few moments alone, and even fewer alone in the car. And it takes a miraculous turn of events for me to be alone in the car, during the Piano Puzzler. I live for the Piano Puzzler.

Caller: Hmm...

Me: (driving down the Interstate) Chopin. Say it -- it's Chopin. Say. It. Now.

Caller: I would say that's in the style of Chopin.

Me: YES!

Fred Child (host): Yes, I do hear elements of Chopin...

Me: I told you so.

Bruce Adolphe (pianist): Well, I can see where you might think that...


(Remember, I was alone in the car, careening down the Interstate and screaming at the radio.)

Bruce Adolphe is my nemesis.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Mmmmmm.....bake-a-thon, focaccia, bread, cinnamon rolls. What a wonderful way to get through the freezing temps.